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Katalog stron internetowych » International » Net & computers

    1. ...:::Cell Phones:::... - All About New Mobile Phones! :)
      This Site is about new mobile phones! If you want say something about new mobile phones! Watch my site! :) Jest to strona o telefonach kom [link nie działa?]
      http://www.allaboutnewmobilephones.blogspot.com/ - szczegóły

    2. AdverOn - WebDesign & Advertising Agency
      WebDesign, SEO and Optimization, Corporate Identity. [link nie działa?]
      http://www.adveron.pl/enwww.php - szczegóły

    3. Codete - Software Team Leasing
      If you're looking for a company to handle your programming needs, look no further. From iOS outsourcing to Android offshoring, and from python development to coding in Ruby, there's no match for Codete when it comes to software team leasing. Visit our website to check our cool web app, android and iOS app portfolio, or pay us a visit in any of our offices. Remember, neither python, nor java have any secrets for us at Codete! [link nie działa?]
      http://codete.com - szczegóły

    4. ComSoft Radom POLAND
      Software development company specializing in financial software (implementation and support accounting software). Company also offers a range of computer utility software. Shareware and freeware downloads available. [link nie działa?]
      http://www.comsoft.radom.pl - szczegóły

    5. Everything information Data base layer in COMPUTERIT-SOLUTIONS.COM
      You would be able to find here amusing topics about: D4a, Crypto service Provider, Computer, C-One, Bicycle computer, Single-board computer, HP-9100A, EMUF, CPUID, DPMS, Cray T3D, Desktop Replacement and many more similar news. [link nie działa?]
      http://www.computerit-solutions.com/ - szczegóły

    6. Freeware software by Jelcyn
      Do you want download free software?? [link nie działa?]
      http://english.jelcyn.com/ - szczegóły

    7. Informatyk - Professional programmer, designer and IT specialist
      Page of programmer and designer, who for years is passionate about what he does, constantly evolving and wants to help people on issues related to computers, software or electronics. If you need help, website, graphic or computer program, write to me. [link nie działa?]
      http://informatyk.me/ - szczegóły

    8. Lesnikowski components
      Lesnikowski designs and develops software components for Microsoft .NET. [link nie działa?]
      http://www.lesnikowski.com - szczegóły

    9. Mobile app development - untitledkingdom.co
      If you have an idea for an app and you are looking for a team of developers who'll make it real, user attractive and, ultimately, profitable for you - Untitled Kingdom mobile app development house is your choice. Come and visiit our homepage to learn about our overall composite app development proces. From its very beginning we embrace all the UX knowledge and experience we gathered during 8 years of working in the field of mobile software and internet of things branch. We organize the whole process and establish timeframe of the whole project in our first step. Next step of mobile app development as Untitle Kingdom does it is coming up with app's design together with such crucial point deciding of success of an app as onboarding process design. After this we start the actual programming. Being adept in Android, iOS app development, we bring our Client several testing versions as well as we take you through the releasing process and implement the improvements needed based on user feedback. We take the app into the app store and realize the whole marketing process so your product would be noticed and loved by the users. [link nie działa?]
      http://untitledkingdom.co/ - szczegóły

    10. NetherLAN eSport
      Professional web portal associated with amateur and professional scene eSport! Portal is the official website multigamingow [link nie działa?]
      http://www.esport.nlteam.pl - szczegóły

    Linków w tej kategorii: 15

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